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Room Assignment Procedures and Methods

Room Assignment Procedures and Methods

Room Assignment Procedures

Room Assignment Process

Room Assignment Method

  • (Advance notice) Advance notice about the assignment period will be given to students who are to be assigned rooms in the dormitory (SMS, e-mail)
    * Students who paid dormitory fees after their dormitory application was accepted. Those who failed to make payments are unable to access the room assignment page.
  • (Application for Assignment) Roommate application and individual application
  • ① Roommate application : applicants are assigned to the same room as the person they selected in their application.
    ② Individual application (online, first-come-first-served basis)
    ㆍ Individually apply for room assignments online (rooms assigned on a first-come-first-served basis)
    ㆍ In the room assignment section, first select the desired floor then desired room and bed.
    ※ Physically disabled students will be assigned separately.
    ※ If students do not apply for room assignment within the assignment period, they will be assigned a room at random.
  • (Assignment results) Room assignment information notification (SMS, e-mail)