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Door lock setting

Door lock setting

Product Structure and Name(Outdoor Body)

NO Name
9V Emergency power supply terminal
Reset Button
Card Input
Card Input
Number Plate
(Touch type)

Product Structure and Name(Indoor Body)

NO Name
Battery cover
Input button(☞) : When you register or delete your password, use the card
Open/Close button : Use Open/Close button to open or close the door in the room

Registering User-Password(Be sure to keep the door open)

NO Contents
Open the battery cover in the indoor body and press “input button(☞)”(one short beep sound)
Input the new password Up to 3 to 19 digits can be registered
Press “ * ” button to complete the registration
(“Ding-dong-dang” for success)

Changing User-Password

  • Changing password in the same way as above
  • When registering new password, previous password is automatically deleted

Registering User Card(Be sure to keep in the door)

NO Contents
Open the battery cover in the indoor body and press “input button(☞)”(one short beep sound)
Contact each Card to be registered to the external input part Up to 1 to 50 keys can be registered
Press “ * ” button to complete the registration
(“Ding-dong-dang” for success)

Deleting User Card

NO Contents
Open the battery cover in the indoor body and press “input button(☞)”(one short beep sound)
Press “0” button two times in the number plate in the outdoor body
Press “*” button to complete the deletion
  • If deleting Card, existing registered Card are completely deleted
  • Then, newly register Card to be used